Whisky Magazine Issue 115

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Magazine in English - November 2013
Master of Photography"You have to let the subject inspire the picture. There's no rule. There's no great mystery. You just see something, take a picture, and hope it's good. I mean, there's some rules of composition and craft involved, obviously, but that's like the alphabet." Tasting include:
Buffalo Trace
Colonel E. H. Taylor
Compass Box
Eagle Rare
George T. Stagg
Highland Park
Parker's Heritage
Thomas H. Handy
William Larue Weller Themen
Black Velvet Distillery - Travelling in Albertra - Glen Keith Distillery
SKU | SCOMA-290515 |
Bezeichner | Magazin mit dem Thema Whisky, in englisc |
Abfüller | Paragraph Publising Ltd. |
Farbstoff | Nein |
Kältefiltration | n/a |
Inhalt | 1,00 |
Hersteller | Paragraph Publising Ltd. |
Inverkehrbringer | Paragraph Publising Ltd., 6 Woolgate Court, St. Benedicts Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4AP, United Kingdom |
Gewicht | 0,37 kg |
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